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Research Experience

June 2021 - August 2021

Harvard Medical School - Cell Biology Research Scholars Program

Course: Online Workshop in Experimental Design (Mentor: Dr. Seth Johnson) 

  • Critically analyzed the scientific method, studied how to successfully submit a research grant, and strengthened my ability to communicate scientific research.  

  • Out of 600 applicants, I was 1 of 20 selected to join the summer program in Boston. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the program transitioned to a virtual platform for 2021. 

  • Composed an original research proposal and presented at a symposium hosted by the Harvard Cell Biology Department.

June 2020 - July 2020; June 2021 - August 2021

Weill Cornell Medicine - Gateways to the Laboratory Program

Project: Obesity-Related Dysfunction in Breast Cancer (Mentor: Dr. Kristy Brown) 

  • Investigating the correlation between obesity, dysregulated cellular metabolism and breast cancer. 

  • ​Out of 400 applicants, I was 1 of 15 selected to join the summer program in New York City. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the program transitioned to a virtual platform for 2020 and 2021. 

  • Composed an original scientific research paper and poster for presentation at the Leadership Alliance Symposium.

August 2018 - June 2021

Florida International University - MARC U*STAR Program

Project: Osteogenesis Imperfecta Mouse Models for Testing the Therapeutic Properties of RXFP2 (Mentor: Dr. Alexander Agoulnik)

  • Investigated different OI mouse models to determine the best model for testing anabolic effects of RXFP2, a small molecule agonist of INSL3. 

  • Mastered DNA/RNA extraction, genotyping, histological staining, western blots, and maintained mice in the animal facility ethically.

  • Composed an undergraduate thesis with the Biological Sciences Honors Department and MARC U*STAR Program.

May 2019 - July 2019

University of Miami - SURF Program

Project: Regulation of Oncogenic Stress Response in Gastric Cancer (Mentor: Dr. Alexander Zaika) 

  • Investigated oncogenic stress response, a persistent anti-proliferative response initiated by the inactivation of a tumor-suppressor gene. 

  • Created a model system, known as TetOne-kRas, to examine the specific metabolic pathways affected and proteins involved in gastric tumorigenesis.

  • Mastered PCR purification, gel electrophoresis purification, ligation, cell culture protocols, and analyzing DNA sequences.

June 2017 - August 2017

University of Miami - HHMI Program 

Project: Role of GSTA2 in Ovarian Cancer (Mentor: Dr. Sophia George) 

  • Investigated GSTA2, a novel antioxidant enzyme that stabilizes and sequesters various chemicals to prevent the formation of malignant cells in fallopian tube epithelial cells.  

  • Examined early-genetic events leading to lethal fallopian tube epithelial transformation through lentiviral-mediated RNA interference.

  • Created an original 'Ovarian Cancer' pamphlet to educate and destigmatize the topic of women's reproductive health.

June 2016 - July 2016

Fairchild Botanical Garden - Challenge Summer Program

Project: Relationships of Mycorrhizal Fungi Among Encyclia Tampensis & Pleopeltis Polypodioides

  • Evaluated the mutual relationship between Resurrection Ferns and endangered Butterfly Orchids on live Oak trees.

  • Assisted in the collection, preparation and organization of plant specimens for the laboratory.

  • Submitted original unit reports about plant species, sites, and habitat descriptions.

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2021 Cell Biology Research Scholars Program (CRSP)

Out of 600 applicants, I was 1 of 20 selected to join the Harvard Stem Cell Institute Summer Program. Due to COVID-19, the internship was canceled. Fortunately, I look forward to attending Harvard Medical School’s Cell Biology Research Scholars program in June 2021. 

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2020 Gateways to the Laboratory Program

Due to COVID-19, I participated in virtual 8-week 'Gateways to the Laboratory' Program through Zoom. I attend invaluable professional development seminars, clinical panels, research talks, workshops, and journal clubs.

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MARC U*STAR Program (2018 - 2021)

The MARC U*STAR program has done an exceptional job of preparing me for the next academic step in my MD-PhD journey. By providing academic/financial/emotional support, professional development seminars, and biweekly meetings to discuss papers, future events, and scientific news, the MARC U*STAR program has positively facilitated my success.

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University of Miami 2019 SURF Program

For 10-weeks, I participated in extraordinary research and clinical activities at the University of Miami. In Dr. Zaika's laboratory, I investigated the role of oncogenic stress response in gastric tumorigenesis. Through the classical cloning technique, I created a model system known as TetOne-kRAS.

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University of Miami 2017 Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Program

For 10-weeks, I collaborated closely with Dr. George to investigate the role of GSTA2 in ovarian cancer at the University of Miami. Since previous research studies documented the inverse relationship between mutated p53 and GSTA2, my primary objective was to extend the past investigation and examine the early-genetic events leading to ovarian cancer.

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Fairchild Botanical Gardens 'Challenge' 2016 Summer Program

For 6-weeks, I investigated the symbiotic relationship between endangered Butterfly Orchids and Resurrection Ferns through Mycorrhizal Fungi composition analysis. In addition, I assisted on two separate projects: (1) the ‘Million Orchid Project,’ where I planted hundreds of orchids in order to safely re-establish them back into Florida’s landscapes and (2) the ‘NASA Cultivation Project,’ where I assisted in the development of a more sustainable food supply for astronauts in future missions,

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Academic Presentations

Project: Osteogenesis Imperfecta Mouse Model for Testing Therapeutic Properties of RXFPR2

  • Location: MARC U*STAR Mini-Symposium at Florida International University (12/02/2020; Oral) â€‹

  • Location: McNair Scholars Conference (11/20/2020; Poster)

Project: Regulation of Oncogenic Stress Response in Gastric Cancer

  • Location: Life Sciences South Florida Undergraduate STEM Conference (04/10/21; Oral) 

  • Location: Florida Undergraduate Research Conference (02/21/21; Poster) 

  • Location: National Council on Undergraduate Research (04/12/21; Poster) 

  • Location: Rockefeller University’s BioAcCES Undergraduate Conference: Zoom (10/03/2020; Poster) 

  • Location: FIU's Undergraduate Research Conference (09/29/2020; Poster)

  • Location: The Leadership Alliance Summer 2020 Conference: Zoom (08/01/2020; Poster) 

  • Location: Mayo Clinic’s SITDP 2020 Conference: Zoom (06/24/2020; Poster)

  • Location: BioXFEL Conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico (01/28/2020; Poster) 

    • Awarded: Full Travel Accommodations

  • Location: Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students in Anaheim, California (10/13/2019 - 10/16/2019, Poster)

    • Awarded: Full Travel Accommodations

  • Location: McNair Scholars Conference (10/18/2019; Poster) 

  • Location: QBIC and MARC U*STAR Symposium (10/11/2019; Oral) â€‹

  • Location: University of Miami 2019 SURF Research Conference (07/28/2019; Poster) 

    • Awarded: Outstanding Poster Presentation

Project: Relaxin Receptor Agonist for Treatment of Uterine Fibroids 

  • Location: FIU’s 3rd Annual STEMConference (02/04/2019; Oral) 

  • Location: McNair Scholars Conference (10/28/2018; Poster) 

Project: Role of GSTA2 in Ovarian Cancer

  • Location: University of Miami 2017 HHMI Research Conference (07/28/2017, Poster) 

  • Location: Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students: Zoom (10/09/2020 - 10/13/2020, Poster) 

Project: Relationships of Mycorrhizal Fungi Among Encyclia Tampensis and Pleopeltis Polypodioides

  • Location: Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden Conference (08/01/2016; Oral)

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